Defining Notifications

Defining a Notification

Notifications are CFCs that extend megaphone.models.BaseNotification.

// StockRebalancingCompleteNotification.cfc
component extends="megaphone.models.BaseNotification" accessors="true" {

    property name="stockSymbol";
    property name="completionTimestamp";

    public array function via( required any notifiable ) {
        return [ "database" ];

    public struct function toDatabase( required any notifiable ) {
        return {
            "stockSymbol": getStockSymbol(),
            "completionTimestamp": getCompletionTimestamp()


You can create and set any custom properties you want to store on the notification.

The required methods for you to implement are the via method and any to{ChannelType} methods that the notification could be sent to.


The via method defines what channels the Notification will be sent by returning an array of channel names. It can return a static array or it can use the passed Notifiable instance to dynamically determine the channels.

You may choose certain channels for a certain Notifiable type, like only sending SMS messages to User instances, not Team instances.

public array function via( required any notifiable ) {
    return notifiable.getNotifiableType() == "user" ?
        [ "sms", "email" ] :
        [ "email" ];

You can also store Notifiable-specific configuration, like allowing a User to opt-in to certain channels like sms, email, or slack.

public array function via( required any notifiable ) {
    return notifiable.getNotificationChannels();

to{ChannelType} methods

For each channel type that the Notification could be sent on you need to implement a matching to{ChannelType} method.

Note that the method references the Channel Type name, not the Channel name. If you have configured multiple DatabaseProvider channels you would only need one toDatabase method.

For example, if your DatabaseProvider channel was called db, your via method would return [ "db" ] and you would implement a toDatabase method.

For instance, if you are using a DatabaseProvider, you need a toDatabase method.

public array function via( required any notifiable ) {
    return [ "database" ];

public struct function toDatabase( required any notifiable ) {
    return {
        "stockSymbol": getStockSymbol(),
        "completionTimestamp": getCompletionTimestamp()

The to{ChannelType} methods also receive the Notifiable reference as an argument in case you need to return different data based on the specific Notifiable instance.

Each Provider has their own requirements for their to{ChannelType} methods. See the Provider-specific documentation for more information.

Last updated