Slack BlockKit

Megaphone provides a fluent BlockKit API to build a SlackMessage. It starts by calling the newSlackMessage provided to the toSlack method on the Notification.

function toSlack( notifiable, newSlackMessage ) {
    return newSlackMessage();

For the individual methods and building blocks, please see the reference documentation.


An important callout is the dump method. This method can writeDump a memento of the SlackMessage instance when passing the raw parameter as true. The default, however, is to writeDump a URL that takes you to Slack's BlockKit Builder to visually see your message.

public void function dump(
    boolean raw = false,
    string output = "browser",
    string format = "html",
    boolean abort = false,
    string label = "",
    boolean metainfo = false,
    numeric top = 9999,
    string show = "",
    string hide = "",
    numeric keys = 9999,
    boolean expand = true,
    boolean showUDFs = true

Example URL:,%22type%22:%22plain_text%22%7D,%22type%22:%22header%22%7D,%7B%22elements%22:%5B%7B%22text%22:%22Customer%20%231234%22,%22type%22:%22plain_text%22%7D%5D,%22type%22:%22context%22%7D,%7B%22fields%22:%5B%7B%22text%22:%22*Invoice%20No:*%5Cn1000%22,%22type%22:%22mrkdwn%22%7D,%7B%22text%22:%22*Invoice%20Recipient:*,%22type%22:%22mrkdwn%22%7D%5D,%22text%22:%7B%22text%22:%22An%20invoice%20has%20been%20paid.%22,%22type%22:%22plain_text%22%7D,%22type%22:%22section%22%7D,%7B%22type%22:%22divider%22%7D,%7B%22text%22:%7B%22text%22:%22Congratulations!%22,%22type%22:%22plain_text%22%7D,%22type%22:%22section%22%7D%5D%7D

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