The DatabaseProvider stores notifications in a table that you can then query to show in your application. It also provides a DatabaseNotificationService to interact with the notifications for a Notifiable including pagination and marking as read.
To use the DatabaseProvider, you need a table to store the notifications in. A migration is provided in Megaphone that you can copy to your application to use. If you are not using cfmigrations, create a table that has the same structure in your database. The table name can be customized, if needed.
component {
function up( schema ) {
schema.create( "megaphone_notifications", ( t ) => {
t.guid( "id" ).primaryKey();
t.string( "type" ); // notification wirebox id
t.string( "notifiableId" );
t.string( "notifiableType" );
t.longText( "data" ); // serializeJSON of what is returned from `toDatabase`
t.timestamp( "readDate" ).nullable();
t.timestamp( "createdDate" ).withCurrent();
t.index( "type" );
t.index( "readDate" );
t.index( name = "idx_megaphone_notifications_notifiable_index", columns = [ "notifiableId", "notifiableType" ] );
} );
function down( schema ) {
schema.dropIfExists( "megaphone_notifications" );
CREATE TABLE ` megaphone_notifications` (
`id` NCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
`type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`notifiableId` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`notifiableType` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT `pk_megaphone_notifications_id` PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
INDEX `idx_megaphone_notifications_type` (`type`),
INDEX `idx_megaphone_notifications_readDate` (`readDate`),
INDEX `idx_megaphone_notifications_notifiable_index` (`notifiableId`, `notifiableType`)
CREATE TABLE [megaphone_notifications] (
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
[type] VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[notifiableId] VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[notifiableType] VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[readDate] DATETIME2,
[createdDate] DATETIME2 NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [df_megaphone_notifications_createdDate] DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
CONSTRAINT [pk_megaphone_notifications_id] PRIMARY KEY ([id]),
INDEX [idx_megaphone_notifications_type] ([type]),
INDEX [idx_megaphone_notifications_readDate] ([readDate]),
INDEX [idx_megaphone_notifications_notifiable_index] ([notifiableId], [notifiableType])
The DatabaseProvider accepts the following properties:
The datasource property will override any datasource property on the passed-in queryOptions.
The toDatabase method returns a struct of data to save as the body of the notification in the database. This data will be available when reading the notifications back from the database later.
public struct function toDatabase( required any notifiable ) {
return {
"stockSymbol": getStockSymbol(),
"completionTimestamp": getCompletionTimestamp()
Interacting with Database Notifications
Where most Megaphone Providers opearte as fire-and-forget, the notifications sent by the DatabaseProvider need to be shown in your application to be of any use. The DatabaseProvider provides a few extra components to help you do this.
Just like sending notifications, there are two ways to retrieve notifications sent through the DatabaseProvider: using the DatabaseNotificationService and using the HasDatabaseNotifications delegate. These two options return the same results, so use whichever one you prefer.
The DatabaseNotificationService can be injected into any component in your application to retrieve DatabaseNotification instances for a Notifiable.
component {
function index( event, rc, prc ) {
// ...
var cursor = variables.databaseNotificationService.getUnreadNotifications(
notifiable = auth().user(),
channel = "database" // default is "database",
initialPage = 1 // default is 1,
maxRows = 25 // default is 25
// ...
This will return a DatabaseNotificationCursor paging over all unread notifications for the passed in Notifiable.
The DatabaseNotificationService also includes methods for retrieving read notifications or all notifications. See the DatabaseNotificationService reference docs for more information.
The HasDatabaseNotifications delegate allows you to get the notifications directly from a Notifiable instance.
component name="User" delegates="HasDatabaseNotifications@megaphone" accessors="true" {
property name="id";
public string function getNotifiableId() {
return getId();
public string function getNotifiableType() {
return "User";
component {
function index( event, rc, prc ) {
// ...
var cursor = auth().user().getUnreadNotifications(
channel = "database" // default is "database",
initialPage = 1 // default is 1,
maxRows = 25 // default is 25
// if you want all the defaults:
var cursor = auth().user().getUnreadNotifications();
// ...
The DatabaseNotificationCursor provides a way to paginate through the notifications while also being able to either markAllAsRead or deleteAll of the notifications contained in the cursor.
cursor.getPagination(); // { "maxRows": 25, "totalPages": 1, "offset": 0, "page": 1, "totalRecords": 5 }
cursor.getResults(); // [ DatabaseNotification ]
for ( var notification in cursor.getResults() ) {
notification.getMemento(); // { id, type, notifiableType, notifiableId, data, readDate, createdDate }
notification.getData(); // struct / already deserialized
notification.getType(); // string — notification wirebox id
notification.markAsRead( readDate = now() ); // sets and saves the readDate, default = now()
notification.delete(); // deletes the notification from the database
cursor.hasPrevious(); // boolean
cursor.previous(); // loads previous page from database
cursor.hasNext(); // boolean; // loads next page from database
cursor.markAllAsRead( readDate = now() ); // marks all as read, not just current page. default = now()
cursor.deleteAll(); // deletes all, not just current page
The component returned as the notification inside the DatabaseNotificationCursor is an instance of DatabaseNotification. This allows you to retrieve the data you sent as well as interact with the DatabaseNotification by checking the sending Notification type, marking the DatabaseNotification as read or deleting the DatabaseNotification.
notification.getMemento(); // { id, type, notifiableType, notifiableId, data, readDate, createdDate }
notification.getData(); // struct / already deserialized
notification.getType(); // string — notification wirebox id
notification.markAsRead( readDate = now() ); // sets and saves the readDate, default = now()
notification.delete(); // deletes the notification from the database