
The SlackProvider sends notifications to Slack using Hyper.


To use the SlackProvider, you need Hyper installed. This is not installed by Megaphone. If you do not have Hyper installed, an exception will be thrown if you try to define a channel with the SlackProvider.

Additionally, the SlackProvider requires a token to be set in the configuration. You will need a Slack App installed in your Slack Workspace to retrieve that token. The Slack App will need the chat:write, chat:write.public, and chat:write.customize scopes, at a minimum. It may need more scopes if you want to send messages to private channels or direct messages, for example. Consult the Slack App permission documentation to determine what scopes your application needs.


The SlackProvider accepts the following properties:

    "token": null,
    "defaultChannel": "##general"


The toSlack method should return a SlackMessage instance.

public struct function toSlack( notifiable, newSlackMessage ) {
    return newSlackMessage()
        .to( "##payments" )
        .text( "One of your invoices has been paid!" )
        .headerBlock( "Invoice Paid" )
        .contextBlock( ( block ) => {
            block.text( "Customer ###notifiable.getCustomerId()#" );
        } )
        .sectionBlock( ( block ) => {
            block.text( "An invoice has been paid." );
            block.field( "*Invoice No:*#chr( 10 )##getInvoiceNumber()#" ).markdown();
            block.field( "*Invoice Recipient:*#chr( 10 )##notifiable.getEmail()#" ).markdown();
        } )
        .sectionBlock( ( block ) => {
            block.text( "Congratulations!" );
        } );

Megaphone includes components to build out a Slack BlockKit payload using a fluent API. This is the preferred way to build a Slack Message.

Additionally, you can return a struct representation of the Slack BlockKit payload instead of using SlackMessage or the included SlackBlockKit components.

public struct function toSlack( notifiable, newSlackMessage ) {
    return {
        "channel": "##general",
        "text": "A super simple message"


You can let the Notifiable instance define the channel to send the Slack Notification by adding a routeNotificationForSlack method.

component accessors="true" {
    property name="slackDirectMessageID";
    public string function routeNotificationForSlack() {
        return getSlackDirectMessageID();


Additionally, you may need to use a different token for a notification. Reasons for this can include sending your notification to multiple different Slack Workspaces depending on the Notifiable instance's configuration. In these cases, you need to return a SlackRoute instance from this method. A helper function is provided to create the SlackRoute as a parameter to the routeNotificationForSlack method.

component accessors="true" {
    property name="slackDirectMessageID";
    property name="slackToken";
    public SlackRoute function routeNotificationForSlack( newSlackRoute ) {
        return newSlackRoute(


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