
Like cbmailservices and cbfs, Megaphone creates channels to send Notification instances on. Channels are created by defining provider and any necessary properties.

// config/modules/megaphone.cfc
component {

    function configure() {
        return {
            "channels": {
                // this is the unique name for the channel
                "database": {
		    "provider": "DatabaseProvider@megaphone",
		    "properties": {
                        // this is the default table name
                        "tableName": "megaphone_notifications",
                        "datasource": "megaphone"
                "db2": {
                    // providers can be used multiple times with different properties
		    "provider": "DatabaseProvider@megaphone",
		    "properties": {
                        "datasource": "db2"
                "email": {
                    "provider": "EmailProvider@megaphone",
                    "properties": {
                        "mailer": "default",
                        "onSuccess": () => {},
                        "onError": () => {}
                "slack": {
                    "provider": "SlackProvider@megaphone",
                    "properties": {
                        "token": getSystemSetting( "SLACK_BOT_TOKEN" ),
                        "defaultChannel": "##general"


Each Provider defines the required and optional properties it accepts. Refer to the individual Provider documentation for more information.

Last updated