
A Notifiable is a something that can recieve a notification. Traditionally it is your User object, but it isn't limited to that. You may send notifications to a Team, a MailingList, a Site, or more.


A Notifiable needs to implement the INotifiable interface (implements keyword optional).

interface displayName="INotifiable" {

     * The id representing this notifiable.
    public string function getNotifiableId();

     * The type name representing this notifiable.
    public string function getNotifiableType();


An example implementation for a User component could be as follows:


    property name="id";
     * The id representing this notifiable.
    public string function getNotifiableId() {
        return getId();

     * The type name representing this notifiable.
    public string function getNotifiableType() {
        return "user";



Notifiable instances are passed to the via method on a Notification. This is to allow you to customize the channels used to each Notifiable. You may choose certain channels for a certain Notifiable type, like only sending SMS messages to User instances, not Team instances. You can also store Notifiable-specific configuration, like allowing a User to opt-in to certain channels like sms, email, or slack.


Providers may look for a routeNotificationFor method suffixed with the Provider type name. For instance, the EmailProvider may look for a routeNotificationForEmail method on the Notifiable.

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